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Resilient Growth Unleashed

Self-Guided Course


Eliminate the chronic stress cycle that is keeping you trapped in anxiety as a high achieving female leader without sacrificing your wellbeing, relationships or high performing career.

Get the Resilient Growth Unleashed Course

Welcome to the Resilient Growth

Self-Guided Course


Embrace change and navigate uncertain times with ease and confidence.

Success does not require sacrifice, learn how to thrive today!


 This course is your pathway to finding your meaningful life mission, increasing confidence, and self-belief, discovering how to eliminate the chronic stress cycle, and effectively communicating your needs without guilt. Discover life as a high performer without sacrificing your relationships, health or income.

During this self-guided course, you will transition from a state of constant overwhelm to being the master of your own life.

Join us on this transformative journey that reimagines and redefines what it means to be a successful woman.

Get the Resilient Growth Course

What You Will Experience


  • Confidently know what you want so that you can lead your life with purpose and ease. 
  • Eliminate your root cause of overwhelm that is blocking your ability to be present with loved ones.
  • Break the chronic stress cycle to reclaim balance and experience a peaceful, energized life.
  • Improve communication and listening skills to advance your career or business growth.
  • Learn to delegate and set boundaries with compassion toward yourself and in respect for others, increasing your performance.
  • Thrive in uncertain and challenging times by growing your resilience skills.
  • Bonus:  Somatic breathwork exercises to help you reduce irritability, anger and anxiety during stressful situations.
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Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.

Tawmy Hammett

Erin Libardoni

Introducing the 7-Step Resilient Growth Method:

This method helps women step out of the chaos of chronic stress and into peace, connection, and confidence.
You no longer have to sacrifice your personal life and well-being for "success".


Step 1: Confidently know your purpose and what you really wantYou will walk away confidently knowing what you want in your career,
life and relationships.

Step 2: Reclaim Your ConfidenceReclaim your worth, and build self-confidence as your anchor to building a successful and fulfilling life.

Step 3: Eliminate The Root Cause of Chronic Stress. Unleash your potential by breaking free from the cycle of chronic stress, effectively managing stress.

Step 4: Master Communication and Connection With Others. Learn how to communicate with yourself and others effectively to create more peace and understanding in your life.

Step 5: Optimize Energy For High-Performance. Discover how stress impacts the mind, body, and soul.  Learn how to regulate your nervous system during stressful situations and operate in high-performance flow.

Step 6: Master Compassionate & Respectful Boundaries: Learn how to communicate your needs and desires in a loving way to protect your energy and focus on what matters most to you. Eliminate feeling the need to make everyone else happy at the expense of your
health and happiness.

Step 7: Ignite Your Influence For Impact: Ignite your soul, and utilize leadership skills to create meaningful change.


My Journey


Hi, I’m Amy Looper, a Christian leader, a Mom of 2 girls, 18+year corporate sales veteran turned Founder, Resilient Growth and Author of Leading Motherhood. 

I’ve seen so many women burnout and think that they have to give up their career when growing their family.  They’re told to just level up their leadership and emotional intelligence but that’s not the full solution.  

I know this because on a practical level I’ve lived through burnout and healed through multiple big life events.  On a scientific level, I’ve studied the biology behind our human behavior and psychology and what’s really behind our stress reactions, our emotions and our behavior patterns, without us having to spend 20 years in therapy. 

I've created a high performance program called The Resilient Growth Method to help individuals get to the root cause of anxiety and chronic stress creating high performance and well-being through the 5 Cornerstones of Resilience: Courage, Commitment, Compassion, Connection and Confidence.

This method is effective because it gets to the root cause of human behavior, not just a temporary fix.  It brings me so much joy to see my clients transform their lives, break generational cycles for their children and leave a legacy of impact.


Who is this course for?

This course is for the ambitious woman who believes in shattering norms and leading her own path.

For the professional woman looking to develop her mindset, leadership, emotional intelligence, and well-being.

It’s time to invest in the most important thing, yourself.

Start The Resilient Growth Unleashed Course

Rediscover yourself after big life events, find clarity, confidence, connection, and high-performance flow to succeed without sacrifice.

(Regular price: $997)


Discount: $497

This offer expires 8/31/24!

Get the Resilient Growth Unleashed Course

Transform your health, your most treasured relationships without sacrificing your career.

Frequent Questions

Make the choice today to step into your greatness as a resilient leader. Embrace a life of balance, abundance, and joy without sacrifice.
Get the Resilient Growth Course

Resilient Growth Unleashed

Self-Guided Course

Go from stressed and burned out to confident, joyful, and resilient over life's challenges.


Get the Resilient Growth Unleashed Course










Welcome to the
Resilient Growth
Self-Guided Course

Embrace change and navigate uncertain times with ease and confidence.
Success does not require sacrifice, learn how to thrive today!

 This course is your pathway to finding your meaningful life mission, increasing confidence, and self-belief, discovering how to eliminate the chronic stress cycle, and effectively communicating your needs without guilt. Discover life as a high performer without sacrificing your relationships, health or income.

During this self-guided course, you will transition from a state of constant overwhelm to being the master of your own life.

Join us on this transformative journey that reimagines and redefines what it means to be a successful woman.

Get the Resilient Growth Course

What You Will Experience

  • Get clarity on your personal vision so you can become confident & clear in your purpose and experience a newfound sense of drive.
  • Elevate your self-esteem and confidence to foster deeper connections and experience authentic intimacy
    with others.
  • Break the chronic stress cycle to reclaim balance and experience a peaceful, energized life.
  • Improve communication and listening skills to transform work and personal relationships, helping you become a grounded, impactful leader.
  • Learn to set and maintain boundaries like a CEO, enabling you to manage your time effectively and achieve greater success.
  • Develop personal growth practices that keep you accountable, leading to sustained transformation.
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Tawmy Hammett

Liquid error: Nil location provided. Can't build URI.

Erin Libardoni

Introducing the 7-Step Resilient Growth Method:

This method helps women step out of the chaos of chronic stress and into peace, connection, and confidence.
You no longer have to sacrifice your personal life and well-being for "success".


Step 1: Clarify Your Vision & What You Really WantYou will walk away confidently knowing what you want in your career, life and relationships.

Step 2: Strengthen Confidence. Reclaim your worth, and build self-confidence as your anchor to building a successful and fulfilling life.

Step 3: Eliminate The Chronic Stress Cycle. Unleash your potential by breaking free from the cycle of chronic stress, effectively managing stress.

Step 4: Master Communication Skills.
Learn how to communicate with yourself and others effectively to create more peace and understanding in your life.

Step 5: Optimize Energy For High-Performance. Discover how stress impacts the mind, body, and soul.  Learn how to regulate your nervous system during stressful situations and operate in high-performance flow.

Step 6: Master Boundary Setting: Learn how to communicate your needs and desires in a loving way to protect your energy and focus on what matters most to you. Eliminate feeling the need to make everyone else happy at the expense of your health and happiness.

Step 7: Ignite Your Influence For Impact: Ignite your soul, and utilize leadership skills to create meaningful change.


My Journey


I was always driven, a high-achiever with an insatiable thirst for success. I'd built a prosperous sales career in the corporate world, always aiming for the next peak, the next milestone. Then, my life took a beautiful yet unexpected turn with the birth of my daughter.

In the midst of this joyous transition, I grappled with the cold grip of postpartum depression. It was as if I was swimming against the current, alone. This unanticipated struggle with my emotional health, combined with the pressures of my professional life, began to chip away at my vitality, resulting in burnout.

The constant need to perform excellently in all aspects of my life - as an executive, a wife, and a mother - led to burnout. The fulfilling life I had dreamt of seemed to recede further into the distance. The intense societal expectations of motherhood and professional accomplishment felt like they were stealing my authenticity and the genuine happiness I sought in both roles.

But it was in this crucible of my toughest trials that I discovered the potential for transformation, leading to the creation of the program I'm now honored to share with you. Let me guide you on this journey of a successful life, to help you unlock your meaningful life mission and flow
as a leader.

Who is this course for? 

This course is for the ambitious woman who believes in shattering norms and leading her own path.

For the professional woman looking to develop her mindset, leadership, emotional intelligence,
and well-being.

It’s time to invest in the most important thing, yourself.

Start The Resilient Growth Unleashed Course

Rediscover yourself after big life events,
find clarity, confidence, connection, and
high-performance flow to succeed without sacrifice.

(Regular price: $997)


Discount: $497

This offer won't last forever,
take action now!

Get the Resilient Growth Unleashed Course

Experience career, life, and relationship
transformation with Amy Looper.
This is not just a course but a life
transformation journey.

Frequent Questions

Make the choice today to step into your greatness as a resilient leader.
Embrace a life of balance, abundance,
and joy without sacrifice.
Get the Resilient Growth Course